Announcing launch of Provost search

Dear AVÀÇ community,

Yesterday, I shared an update on Title IX and DHR and on Friday of last week, I provided a preview of what to expect in terms of updates and communications from me throughout the remainder of the semester. 

I am writing today to inform you of the launch of our search for our next regularly appointed Provost/VP for Academic Affairs.

I am grateful to the Academic Senate for holding an election of search committee members last fall semester, which gave me the option of expediting the search this semester. We anticipate recruiting dean positions next academic year and it is preferable to have a regularly appointed provost in place when we conduct those searches.

An updated position profile can be found  We are advertising widely and expect to generate a pool of qualified and diverse applicants for the position. Please share the profile with potential applicants you may know. The initial review of applications will start on March 22, 2024.

My goal is for the search committee to identify 2-3 finalists to visit campus and hold their open forums for our campus community before the end of spring semester. In particular, I want to provide an opportunity for faculty to submit feedback to me on the finalists prior to the end of the semester. I believe it is entirely possible to announce our next provost sometime during the summer months following review of feedback and rigorous reference checking. I realize this is an aggressive timeline and our first milestone is to generate a pool of qualified and diverse candidates.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the individuals who have agreed to serve on the search committee, appointed according to Academic Senate (shared governance) policy:

  • Evelyn Buchanan, VP University Advancement (presidential appointee and co-chair)
  • Dr. Michelle Rippy (elected by CLASS and co-chair)
  • Dr. Hongwei Du (elected by CBE)
  • Dr. Arnab Mukherjea (elected by COS)
  • Dr. Jenny O (elected by CEAS)
  • Kyzyl Fenno-Smith (elected by the Libraries)
  • Nolan Calara, ASI president (chosen by ASI)
  • Monica Green, staff member from CEAS/Academic Affairs (presidential staff appointee)

 Assuming we are successful in generating a robust applicant pool, look for the announcement of our finalists and their open forums toward the end of April/early May.

As always, thank you for your time and attention.

Cathy Sandeen


March 12, 2024