Consumer Information

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires AVÀÇ, East Bay to disclose certain consumer information to students (enrolled and prospective), parents, employees, and others. This page contains links to this information. 

 Additional information is available from the individual academic colleges and departments. CSUEB employees will assist you in obtaining consumer information throughout normal business hours. Paper copies of any of the information these websites will be provided upon request. These requests require reasonable notice.

Consumer Information

AVÀÇ, East Bay (CSUEB) is committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive environment for all employees and students. Consistent with our concern for the well-being of faculty, staff and students, it is the policy of the university to maintain a work and academic environment free from drug and alcohol abuse. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale, offer to sell, purchase, offer to purchase and/or unlawful use of controlled substances or alcohol on campus (or as any part of university-related activities) is prohibited. Controlled substances include (but are not limited to): marijuana, heroin, cocaine, LSD and amphetamines. Employees must remain free from the influence of controlled substances or alcohol while on duty.

As a condition of employment, all AVÀÇ (CSU) employees (faculty, staff and student employees) must comply with the CSU Drug-Free Workplace Policy available for review at


Dangers of Substance Abuse in the Workplace

All drugs, including controlled and legal substances, are toxic or poisonous when abused. Using drugs impairs decision-making abilities and physically impairs people. This is a deadly concoction when on the job.  Drug abuse can cause problems at work including:

  • After-effects of substance use (withdrawal) affecting job performance
  • Preoccupation with obtaining and using substances while at work, interfering with attention and concentration
  • Illegal activities at work, including selling illegal drugs to other employees
  • Psychological or stress-related effects due to drug use by a family member, friend or co-worker that affects another person's job performance


Health risks of drug abuse include (but are not limited to): sleep disorders; confusion; hallucinations; paranoia; deep depression; malnutrition; liver and kidney damage; cardiac irregularities; hepatitis; and neurological damage.


Alcohol is a depressant.  It depresses the central nervous system and can cause serious physical damage.  Excessive drinking damages the liver, resulting in cirrhosis. Chronic alcohol abuse also causes hypertension; cardiac irregularities; ulcers; pancreatitis; kidney disease; cancer of the esophagus, liver, bladder or lungs; memory loss; tremors; malnutrition; vitamin deficiencies; and possibly sexual dysfunction. Abuse of alcohol or drugs during pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects, spontaneous abortion and still births.


Employee Assistance Programs

The primary focus of CSUEB's substance abuse prevention program is education and counseling.  As part of this program, the university will provide educational workshops--for faculty, staff, and students--to address the medical/health, psychological, social, and legal ramifications of illicit drug and alcohol use.  CSUEB’s Employee Assistance Program (offered through Empathia Inc. at  ) will continue to provide information, evaluation,  counseling, and referral service to employees of CSUEB seeking help with personal, emotional, substance abuse, or chemical dependency.  CSUEB recognizes drug and alcohol dependency as treatable conditions and offers employee support programs for individuals with substance dependency problems. Employees are encouraged, but not required, to seek assistance for drug and alcohol-related problems.   

Employees can contact Empathia Inc at:

(800) 367-7474, or . Contact HR for the passcode.

The website offers free assessment tests on Alcohol and Drug Screening, Drug Abuse Screening, and a General Risk Health Assessment and related articles and resources.

LifeMatters provides up to five counseling sessions for employees and/or their family members to assist with problems related to substance abuse or chemical dependency.  Services provided directly by LifeMatters are free.  If you are referred to outside resources, you will be advised about associated costs.  Your use of LifeMatters or a counselor is confidential, unless your safety or the safety of another individual may be at risk.


Penalties for Violating the Drug-Free Workplace Policy

Local, state and federal laws establish severe penalties for violations of drug and alcohol statutes.  These sanctions, upon conviction, may range from a fine to life imprisonment.  With possession or distribution of illegal drugs, these sanctions could include the seizure and summary forfeiture of property, including vehicles.  Any person found in a public place to be under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs and unable to care for his/her/their own safety--or interfering with a public way--can be charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor offense.

CSU employees who violate the Drug-Free Workplace Policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge for cause.  For those employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement, the agreement shall control.


Employees who are directly engaged in performing a contract or grant awarded by any federal or state agency, must notify the Associate Vice President, Human Resources and Payroll Services within five (5) days of any criminal drug conviction related to a violation that occurred while they were performing work-related duties.

    • Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
    • Student Review of Educational Records
    • Providing Consent for Disclosure of Student Records
    • Reviewing, Changing & Amending Student Records
    • Directory Information

Annual Asbestos Notification

Notice to All AVÀÇ Employees

Each year, AVÀÇ employees are notified of the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) in campus buildings, pursuant to the requirements of the California Health and Safety Code, Section 25915. The University continues to survey locations for the presence of asbestos-containing material as the need arises. Asbestos fibers are commonly found in thermal system insulation; fireproofing and fire doors; roofing materials; floor tiles; laboratory benchtops; spray-on acoustic; drywall taping compound; insulation; mastics; and various other materials.

In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency has established a designation for presumed asbestos-containing materials (PACM). All floor tile, mastic, thermal system insulation, and surfacing materials - in buildings constructed prior to 1981 - are presumed to contain asbestos unless sampling and analysis demonstrate otherwise.

Asbestos fibers are only a health hazard if they become airborne in sufficient numbers. Since asbestos is only a hazard if airborne, it is important for employees to follow proper work practices to minimize the potential for disturbing any PACM and potentially releasing asbestos fibers into the air. In particular, avoid disturbing asbestos materials in walls, ceilings, pipes, or equipment. Do not break, drill, cut, or remove anything that may be considered PACM. If you have any questions about identifying material as PACM, contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) before you disturb the material(s).

If you observe any asbestos materials that have been damaged, report the condition immediately to your supervisor or EHS (Ext. 5-4138). Do not disturb damaged asbestos debris or materials. Only persons who have been trained and certified are authorized to perform work that may disturb asbestos fibers.

Asbestos survey data, showing specific locations known to contain asbestos, may be found at this link on the CSUEB EHS website: .

If you have any questions regarding asbestos on campus, please contact EHS.

Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report

Pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the Annual Security Report (ASR) is available for viewing at /upd/files/docs/csueb-annual-security-report.pdf. The ASR contains the current security and safety-related policy statements, emergency preparedness and evacuation information, crime prevention and sexual assault prevention information, and drug and alcohol prevention programming. The ASR also contains statistics of Clery Act crimes for all of the CSU East Bay Campuses for the previous three years. A paper copy of the ASR is available upon request by contacting or in person at the University Police Department located at LI1063 at 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd., Hayward 94542.

Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR) is available for viewing at /upd/files/docs/csueb-annual-fire-report.pdf. The purpose of this report is to disclose statistics for fires that occurred within AVÀÇ's Hayward Campus housing facilities for the previous three years, and to distribute fire safety policies and procedures intended to promote safety on campus. A paper copy of the AFSR is available upon request by contacting University Housing located at 1901 Harder Road, Hayward, CA 94542.

 We hope you find this information useful. Please feel free to contact us at with any questions about the information contained in the reports.

Whistleblower Announcement

As a government employee, it is your responsibility to report improper governmental activity. Doing so can help protect scarce state resources.

There are three ways to report fraud, waste and abuse to the State Auditor’s Office:

  • Call the Whistleblower hotline at 800-952-5665
  • Submit a complaint online:
  • Mail information to:


California State Auditor

P.O. Box 1019

Sacramento, CA 95812

The State Whistleblower Protection Act allows employees to confidentially report improper governmental activity and entities reporting employees to protection from interference and retaliation by their employers. Details on the State Whistleblower Program are provided in the .

AVÀÇ’s Whistleblower Resources

To report improper governmental activities and claims of interference and retaliation at AVÀÇ, please call 510-885-2841, or by email at In addition, information is available on the campus’ Whistleblower Website.