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Supervising Masters and undergraduate students in the area of molecular biological research (Fall 2004 to present). Co-taught course Molecular Biology Techniques (AS8131/MVB8335) at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota (Spring 2004). Supervised undergraduate and graduate students on guided research projects in areas of Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Functional Genomics, and Bioinformatics (2000-2004). Teaching assistant in Introductory Genetics course (Summer semesters 1993-1997) Department of Genetics, University of Bielefeld, Germany. Grants and Awards Joan Sieber Interdisciplinary Research Award (CSUEB, College of Science) of $2700 for proposal Next-generation RNA Sequencing to Confirm Plant Responses to Nutrient Deficiencies (2018) NSF-XSEDE start-up allocation of ~$8,000 in form of computer server allocations for proposal Using RNA-Seq to unravel signal transduction pathways in plants in response to phosphate deficiency (2018-2019) Joan Sieber Interdisciplinary Research Award (CSUEB, College of Science) of $2,800 for proposal Next-generation RNA sequencing to untangle plant responses to nutrient deficiencies (2017) CSU East Bay Faculty Support Grant of $5,000 for project Next-generation RNA sequencing to understand how plants sense and respond to phosphorus deficiency (2016-2017) CSU Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB) Faculty-Student Development Grant Program of $15,000 for proposal Phosphoproteomics to unravel plant signal transduction pathways in response to phosphorus deficiency (2011-2012) Joan Sieber Interdisciplinary Research Award (CSUEB, College of Science) of $5000 for proposal How do plants regulate their response to phosphorus deficiency? (2010) Faculty Support Grant (RSCA) of $5000 Unraveling the signal transduction pathway that enables plants to sense and respond to phosphorus deficiency from the AV East Bay (2008-2009). Faculty Support Grant (RSCA) of $2500 for proposal Functional characterization of a nutrient-responsive gene in white lupin from CSUEB (2007-2008). NIH MBRS-SCORE Pilot Grant (SO6 GM48135) of $149,811 for proposal Assessment of nutrient responsive genes in white lupin (2006-2009). CSU Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Seed Grant Program of $10,000 for proposal Assessment of phosphorus-deficiency responsive genes in transformed roots of white lupin (2005-2006). Faculty Support Grant (RSCA) of $5000, for proposal Identification of genes responsible for white lupins ability to grow without nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer from the AV Hayward (2004-2005). Co-authored grant proposal (2001), entitled Molecular mechanisms which mediate white lupins adaptation to P deficiency. This proposal was awarded $167,500 by the National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program in the area of plant responses to the environment (grant USDA-CSREES/2002-35100-12206; 2001-2004). Publications  ADDIN EN.REFLIST Amadi, M., Cole, J., Li, K., Chalkley, R. J., Burlingame, A., Uhde-Stone, C. (2017). Unraveling White Lupins Signal Transduction in Response to Phosphorus Deficiency Using iTRAQ Labeling, Phosphopeptide Enrichment, and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. The FASEB Journal, 31(1_supplement), 617.611-617.611.  ADDIN EN.REFLIST Uhde-Stone, C. (2017). White lupin: a model system for understanding plant adaptation to low phosphorus availability Legume Nitrogen Fixation in Soils with Low Phosphorus Availability (pp. 243-280): Springer. Afshari A, Uhde-Stone C, Lu B. (2015). A cooled CCD camera-based protocol provides an effective solution for in vitro monitoring of luciferase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 458(3):543-8. Afshari A, Uhde-Stone C, Lu B. (2014) Live visualization and quantification of pathway signaling with dual fluorescent and bioluminescent reporters. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 448(3):281-6. Uhde-Stone C, Sarkar N, Antes T, Otoc N, Kim Y, Jiang YJ, Lu B. (2014). A TALEN-based strategy for efficient bi-allelic miRNA ablation in human cells. RNA. 2014 Jun; 20(6):948-55. Uhde-Stone C, Cheung E, Lu B.(2014) TALE activators regulate gene expression in a position- and strand-dependent manner in mammalian cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 443(4):1189-94. Uhde-Stone C, Gor N, Chin T, Huang J, Lu B.(2013). A do-it-yourself protocol for simple transcription activator-like effector assembly. Biol Proced Online. 15(1):3. O'Rourke JA, Yang SS, Miller SS, Bucciarelli B, Liu J, Rydeen A, Bozsoki Z, Uhde-Stone C, Tu ZJ, Allan D, Gronwald JW, Vance CP. (2013). An RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis of orthophosphate-deficient white lupin reveals novel insights into phosphorus acclimation in plants. Plant Physiol. 161(2):705-24. Uhde-Stone C, Huang J, Lu B. (2012) A robust dual reporter system to visualize and quantify gene expression mediated by transcription activator-like effectors. Biol Proced Online. 8;14(1):8. Liu, M., Uhde-Stone, C., and C. Goudar. 2011. Progress curve analysis of qRT-PCR reactions using the logistic growth equation. Biotechnol. Prog. 27: 1407-1414. Rath, M., Salas, J., Parhy, B., Norton, R., Hatlstad, G., Kwon, J., Allan, D.L., C.P. Vance, and C. Uhde-Stone. 2010. Identification of genes induced in proteoid roots of white lupin under nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency, with functional characterization of a formamidase. Plant and Soil 334:137-150 Norton, R., Uhde-Stone, C., and M. Rath. 2007. Array analysis to assess effects of RNAi-based silencing. JSM Proceedings, Biometrics Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association: 263-268 Uhde-Stone, C., Liu J., Zinn, K. E., Vance C.P., and D. L. Allan. 2005. Transgenic proteoid roots of white lupin: a vehicle for characterizing and silencing root genes involved in adaptation to P stress. Plant Journal 44:840-853 Liu, J., Yamagishi, M., Uhde-Stone, C., Bucciarelli, B., Samac, D.A., Allan, D., and C.P. Vance. 2005. Shoot signals and molecular regulation of P-deficiency induced genes in cluster roots of white lupin. In: Plant Nutrition for Food Security, Human Health and Environmental Protection. Tsinghua University Press. p 94-96 Uhde-Stone, C., Zinn, K.E., Ramirez-Ynez, M., Li, A., Vance C.P. and D.L. Allan. 2003. Nylon filter arrays reveal differential gene expression in proteoid roots of white lupin in response to P deficiency. Plant Physiology 131:1064-1079. Vance, C.P., Uhde-Stone, C., and D.L. Allan. 2003. Phosphorus acquisition and use: critical adaptations by plants for securing a nonrenewable resource. Tansley Review. New Phytologist 157:423-447. Uhde-Stone, C., Gilbert, G., Johnson, J. M.-F, Litjens, R., Zinn, K.E., Temple, S.J., Vance, C.P. and D.L. Allan. 2003. Acclimation of white lupin to phosphorus deficiency involves enhanced expression of genes related to organic acid metabolism. Plant and Soil 248:99-116. Uhde-Stone, C., Li, A., Daemen, M., Allan, D.L., and C.P. Vance. 2001. Isolation and characterization of white lupin proteoid root expressed sequence tags (ESTs) associated with plant hormones. p.32-33 In Development in Plant and Soil Sciences: Plant Nutrition. Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems through basic and applied research, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Liu, J., Uhde-Stone, C., Li, A., Vance, C.P., and D.L. Allan. 2001. A phosphate transporter with enhanced expression in proteoid roots of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Plant and Soil 237:257-266. Uhde, C., Schmidt, R., Jording, D., Selbitschka, W., and A. Phler. 1997. Stationary phase mutants of Sinorhizobium meliloti are impaired in stationary phase survival or in recovery to logarithmic growth. Journal of Bacteriology 179:6432-6440. Jording, D., Uhde, C., Schmidt, R., and A. Phler. 1994. The C4-dicarboxylate transport system of Rhizobium meliloti and its role in nitrogen fixation during symbiosis with alfalfa (Medicago sativa). In Experientia 50. Birkhuser Verlag, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland. 874-883. Jording, D., Sharma, P.K., Schmidt, R., Engelke, T., Uhde, C., and A. Phler. 1993. Regulatory aspects of the C4-dicarboxylate transport in Rhizobium meliloti: transcriptional activation and dependence on effective symbiosis. Journal of Plant Physiology 141:18-27.     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