Yung-I Liu, Ph.D. Faculty Profile

Yung-I  Liu, Ph.D.


Department of Communication

Strategic communication, political communication, quantitative research methods, public relations, advertising

  • Ph.D., Communication, The Ohio State University
  • M.A., Journalism, The Ohio State University
  • B.A., English, Soochow University
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
COMM 10409Interpersonal COMMMW2:00PM3:15PMMI-3047
COMM 35701Principles of AdvertisingW12:00PM1:40PMMI-4019
COMM 45301Strategic CommunicationW10:00AM11:40AMMI-3060

Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles

Liu, Y.-I. (2019). Online and offline communication and political knowledge and participation in presidential campaigns: Effects of geographical context. International Journal of Communication, 13, 1438–1461.

Dalisay, F., Kushin, M., Yamamoto, M., Liu, Y.-I., & Buente, W. (2016). Attachment to Facebook and the civic lives of minority college students in the United States. First Monday, 21(3), 1–10.

Dalisay, F., & Liu, Y.-I. (equal authorship) (2015). Education and language-based knowledge gaps among new immigrants in the United States: Effects of English- and native-language newspapers and TV. International Journal of Communication, 9, 478–500.

Dalisay, F., Kushin, M. J., Yamamoto, M., Liu, Y.-I., & Skalski, P. (2015). Motivations for game play and the social capital and civic potential of video games. New Media & Society, 17(9), 1399–1417.

Lee, Y.-J., Liu, Y.-I., & Lee, T. (2013). Effects of ethnic identity on perceived advertisers’ motives in values advocacy advertising. Journal of Promotion Management, 19(5), 583–604.

Liu, Y.-I., Shen, F., Eveland, W. P., Jr., & Dylko, I. (2013). The impact of news use and news content characteristics on political knowledge and participation. Mass Communication and Society, 16(5), 713–737.

Gross, C. M., Whitbred, R., Skalski, P., & Liu, Y.-I. (2013). Influencing faculty willingness to participate in learning communities. Florida Communication Journal, 41(1), 1–15.

Liu, Y.-I., & Jeffres, L. W. (2012). Effects of attitudes toward political advertising in the 2006 senatorial and gubernatorial elections in Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Communication and Media Research, 4(1), 93–102.

Liu, Y.-I. (2012). The influence of news media on optimism about retrospective and prospective economic issues as sources of social capital: Tracing the effects by a path model. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(8), 1–11.

Liu, Y.-I. (2012). The influence of communication context on political cognition in presidential campaigns: A geospatial analysis. Mass Communication and Society, 15(1), 46–73.

Appiah, O., & Liu, Y.-I. (2009). Reaching the model minority: Ethnic differences in responding to culturally embedded targeted- and non-targeted advertisements. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 31(1), 27–41.

Liu, Y.-I., & Eveland, W. P., Jr. (2005). Education, need for cognition, and campaign interest as moderators of news effects on political knowledge: An analysis of the knowledge gap. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 82(4), 910–929.

Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Liu, Y.-I. (2022). Quantitative content analysis of persuasive messages in media: Equipping students to succeed in digital public relations and content marketing. Proceedings of the PRSA Educators Academy Summit, 183–187.

Liu, Y.-I. (2021). Strengthening the connection between quantitative persuasion research and public relations strategies: In pursuit of preparing students for the Era of Big Data Analytics. Proceedings of the PRSA Educators Academy Super Saturday, 65–69.

Skalski, P., Dalisay, F., Kushin, M., & Liu, Y.-I. (2012). Need for presence and other motivations for video game play across genres. Proceedings of the Presence Live!–International Society for Presence Research Annual Conference.


Liu, Y.-I. (2019). Reassessing relationships between communication forms and political knowledge in political campaigns from a geospatial perspective: The case of local TV news. Advance: a SAGE preprints community.

Additional Publications

Liu, Y.-I. (2023, June 5). Quantitative content analysis of persuasive messages in media: Equipping students to succeed in digital public relations and content marketing -Great Ideas for Teaching (GIFT). PRSA Educators Academy Section Community Blog.

Liu, Y.-I. (2023, February 3). Great Ideas for Teaching (GIFT) for PRSA Educators Academy Blog: Quantitative content analysis of persuasive messages in media: Equipping students to succeed in digital public relations and content marketing. PRSA Educators Academy Section Community Blog.

Liu, Y.-I. (2020). Created seven YouTube videos for community service.

Liu, Y.-I. (Ed.). (2017, 2018). Political education for Asian immigrants, in both Chinese and English. Oakland, CA: Asian Immigrant Women Advocates. A textbook, 12 chapters, 1st & 2nd editions.

Key, L. (student intern), & Liu, Y.-I. (researcher & Pioneers for Sustainable Communities instructor). (2017). Survey on attitudes and behaviors about compost and littering. Final report to the City of Hayward, 27 pages.

Liu, Y.-I. (2003). My experience in preparing for the GRE. Luxin Linguistic Studies Report, 230 (July), p. 4.

Jones Tower residents, OSU plan mediations. (August 6, 1998). The Lantern, p. 1. (contributed reporting as student reporter for the laboratory student newspaper of The Ohio State University).

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers and Presentations

Liu, Y.-I. (2022, November). Quantitative content analysis of persuasive messages in media: Equipping students to succeed in digital public relations and content marketing. Teaching poster presented during the annual PRSA Educators Academy Summit in conjunction with the 2022 PRSA International Conference, Grapevine, TX.

Liu, Y.-I. (2021, October). Strengthening the connection between quantitative persuasion research and public relations strategies: In pursuit of preparing students for the Era of Big Data Analytics. Teaching poster presented during the annual PRSA Educators Academy Super Saturday in conjunction with the 2021 PRSA International Conference.

Liu, Y.-I. (2017, May). Online and offline communication and political knowledge and participation in presidential campaigns: Effects of geospatial context. Paper presented to the Political Communication division at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

Dalisay, F., & Liu, Y.-I. (2012, November). Assessing the knowledge gap among new immigrants in the United States: Key moderators of media use effects on political knowledge. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL. (Abstract in the proceedings, p. 26)

Lee, Y. J., Liu, Y.-I., & Lee, T. (2012, November). The role of ethnic identity in forming opinions about advertiser motives for supporting social causes in culturally targeted values advocacy advertising. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL. (Abstract in the proceedings, p. 12)

Skalski, P., Dalisay, F., Kushin, M., & Liu, Y.-I. (2012, October). Need for presence and other motivations for video game play across genres. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Presence Research, Philadelphia, PA.

Gross, C. M., Whitbred, R., Skalski, P., & Liu, Y.-I. (2012, March). Understanding factors influencing faculty willingness to participate in learning communities. Paper presented to the Organizational and Professional Communication Interest Group at the annual conference of the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH.

Kosicki, G., & Liu, Y.-I. (2011, November). On the place of space in communication science and public opinion research. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL. (Abstract in the proceedings, p. 9)

Liu, Y.-I. (2011, August). The influence of news media on optimism about retrospective and prospective economic issues as sources of social capital: Tracing the effects by a path model. Paper presented to the Mass Communication and Society division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO.

Liu, Y.-I. (2010, June). Assessing communication and political knowledge in political campaigns from a geospatial perspective. Paper presented to the Political Communication division at the 60th annual conference of the International Communication Association, Singapore.

Liu, Y.-I., & Jeffres, L. W. (2009, November). The formation of opinions on political advertising and their effects. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.

Liu, Y.-I. (2009, November). The influence of communication context on political cognition in presidential campaigns: A geospatial analysis. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.

Appiah, O., & Liu, Y.-I. (2009, August). Communicating to ethnic minorities with culturally embedded ads: The effect of cultural identification and self-construal. Paper presented to the Advertising division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA.

Appiah, O., & Liu, Y.-I. (2005, August). Effectively reaching the “model” minority: The strength of an interdependent self-construal on the evaluation of culturally embedded ads. Paper presented to the Minorities and Communication division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Antonio, TX.

Eveland, W. P., Jr., & Liu, Y.-I. (2005, August). Multilevel models of the impact of news use and news content characteristics on political knowledge and participation. Paper presented to the Mass Communication and Society division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Antonio, TX.

Appiah, O., & Liu, Y.-I. (2005, June). Effectively reaching the model minority: Ethnic differences in responding to culturally embedded targeted- and non-targeted advertisements. Paper presented at the American Academy of Advertising’s Third Asia-Pacific Conference, Hong Kong, China. (Abstract in the proceedings, p. 4)

Liu, Y.-I., & Eveland, W. P., Jr. (2004, November). Education, need for cognition, and interest as moderators of news use effects on political knowledge: The knowledge gap in the 2000 campaign. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.

Presentations for Research Grant Awards

Liu, Y.-I. (2016, May). Online and offline communication geography of political knowledge and participation in presidential campaigns. Poster presented at the annual Faculty Research Symposium at AVÀÇ, East Bay, Hayward, CA.

Liu, Y.-I. (2005, May). Effectively reaching the “model” minority: The strength of an interdependent self-construal on the evaluation of culturally embedded ads. Presented at the Asian Pacific American Caucus (APAC) for Graduate and Professional Students Brown Bag Series, sponsored by Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month and Asian American Studies, The Ohio State University.

Selected Service

Chair, Committee on Academic Planning and Review (2021–2022) (Member of the Institutional Learning Outcomes Subcommittee of CAPR)

Academic Senator (2021–2022)

Member, Committee on Academic Planning and Review (2020–2021)

Member, Committee on Budget and Resource Allocation (2018–2020)

Member, Diversity Plans Team 2, Diversity Council (2016–2017)

Member, Faculty Diversity and Equity Committee (2015–2017)

Faculty advisor, Public Relations Student Society of America CSU East Bay Chapter (2013–present)

Public Relations Society of America (2020–present)

Honors, Awards, and Grants

Top Diversity and Inclusion Paper Award, PRSA Educators Academy Summit (2023)

CLASS Professional Development/Travel Funds, AVÀÇ, East Bay (2023)

Sabbatical Leave Award, AVÀÇ, East Bay (2023)

Diversity Advocate, AVÀÇ, East Bay (2019)

CLASS Scholarly Travel Grant, AVÀÇ, East Bay (2017)

Faculty Support Grant Award, AVÀÇ, East Bay (2015–2016)

Faculty Professional Development Fund, Cleveland State University (2008–2013)

Internal research grant award for establishing User Experience Research Lab in the School of Communication, Cleveland State University (2012–2013, with Cheryl Bracken and Paul Skalski)

New Faculty Research Start-Up Grant, Cleveland State University (2008–2011)

Social and Behavioral Sciences Graduate Student Summer Survey Research Fellowship Award, The Ohio State University (2006)

Asian American Graduate Research/Travel Grant, The Ohio State University (2005)

Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service, The Ohio State University (2005)

High GRE Score Award, Luxin Linguistic Studies (paper-based test, 2002)

Edelman Vision Mission & Values “Colleague of the Year” Award, Edelman Taiwan (2001)

Expert in In-Flight Duty-Free Sales Award, China Airlines (1995)

Academic Work Experience

Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Cleveland State University

Graduate Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, and Instructor, School of Communication, The Ohio State University